Ron Rosenbaum, Writer

October 19, 2009

Dear Haters: Hitler was Not a Socialist, Obama is Not Hitler

Filed under: Uncategorized — ronrosenbaumwriter @ 6:05 am

Somehow it’s become a meme among the historically ignorant on the right–who have totally driven themselves into hysterical frenzies of ignorant hatred for Obama (Hitler was a socialist; Obama is a socialist therefore Obama equals Hitler). The proof that Hitler was a socialist: his party was called “The National Socialist Democratic Workers Party”. Duh! By that logic you must believe that North Korea is a democracy because its official name is The Democratic Republic of North Korea.

Do you believe everything Hitler said about himself and the Nazi Party? The fact that someone has to point this out is an indication of how stunningly deranged and disproportionate the opposition to Obama has become. You disagree with him about health care? Fine. Many Americans agree, but respect intelligent criticism. You disagree with him about healthc are and think he’s Hitler? You need professional help.

Are you aware of the nature of Hitler’s chief opposition, the German Social Democratic Party? Frankly I doubt it. As someone who has researched and written about the death-struggle between the German Social Democratic Party (yes, they were socialists! and pro-democracy!) and the Nazis (in Explaining Hitler), as someone who has spoken with aging German social democrats, whose fellow party members were murdered by Nazi thugs on the streets and in the concentration camps, I have to say to the Hitler mustache crew: Have you no shame, have you no decency? Have you no ability to read history? Are you not aware of how sickening your trivialization of Nazi evil is. You are traducing the memory of some of the bravest defenders of democracy in Germany by mimicking the Nazis’ meretricious expropriation of the socialist name. Are you unable to distinguish between Nazi Germany and the democratic socialism of Sweden, say? Are you that detached from reality?

The German Social Democratic party fought the Nazis in the streets, in the press (see my chapter on the socialist anti-Hitler newspaper, The Munich Post) whose reporters risked their lives to warn the world about the evil brewing in Germany. Evil fomented by Nazi lies and violence. The German Social Democratic Party was, by the way, hated not just by the Nazis but by the Communists as well. Both totalitarian groups couldn’t abide a genuinely pro-democratic party. (Are you aware there’s a difference between democratic socialism and totalitarian communism? Whatever critique you have of the former, they were never mass murderers like the latter. Have you read anything but the Jonah Goldberg book? ).

Hitler and his party were mass murdering racist, anti-semites who wanted to wage wars of subjugation and campaigns of extermination and caused a war that killed 60 million all told. The fact that some people need to be reminded of this–and the differences between Hitler and Obama — is an indictment of the sad failure of the American educational system and the sad takeover of conservatism by hate-filled lynch mob ignoramuses.

(By the way, I’ll ask again: when are decent conservatives going to speak out against the Hitler mustache crew? Do you really want to let them to define conservatism? At this point your silence equals assent to dangerous idiocy.)

The great philosopher Emil Fackenheim once said that the lesson of the Holocaust, or one of them, should be to give “no posthumous victories for Hitler.” And yet, in gleefully proliferating Hitler’s image in their demented defacings of Obama’s image, they are doing just that. Somewhere in hell Hitler is smiling upon them. And laughing at them.


  1. Obama is more like Kerensky

    Comment by charlie finch — October 19, 2009 @ 6:11 am | Reply

  2. Ron:

    I think your side of the aisle is more prone to using Hitler as a club than ours. That being said I do not consider comments from individuals referring to the President as a Hitler, as conservatives or representing conservative opinion.

    As a non-college type and of a conservative mind since the age of eight, I believe that many of us feel that government of any type is a piss poor authority of telling me what is best for me. That is my responsibility not the Government’s or the current President-and that includes any of them in the past as well.

    The current occupant in the White House and the majority party in the Congress are clear examples of the opposite. They believe in big Government and the bigger the better, and damn the cost and the long term effects on this Country and its peoples. They also have a penchant for controlling things and that is what really frustrates us.
    They also seem to have utter contempt for the average citizen except when they are promising us anything for our vote.

    We do not feel comfortable and are somewhat more than disturbed by what the President is attempting to foist on us with the aid of his allies in both Houses of the Congress. they need to stop making life easy for us- that is not what life is about.

    Hitler was a thug, so was Mussolini and Stalin. They killed alot of people, and made life pretty miserable for everyone. The socialists and progressives in this Country initially liked what they were doing
    (or what they (the thugs)let them know. To me the socialists and progressives had so little faith in the free enterprise system and the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. Of course, many were horrified when they found out. Many were horrified from the beginning. It was too late. Remember, freedom is a delicate thing. Once you let a thug in the door, if you aint got the means to preclude his having his way with you, your screwed.

    Finally, knock off the stereo-typing “historically ignorant moniker” you tag us folks with whatever our opinion may be about the President and socialists or progresssives. We do other things besides read history and write columns for a living. We sometimes have to judge men and tell men what to do. We live life at some basic level, and may be well off or living hand to mouth. We do not like what we see, we do not like what we hear, and right or wrong, in our gut, we just do not like this guy that occupies the White House. I have personally felt this way since I first heard him in action over 5 years ago-that came from my gut. Nothing since has changed that gut feeling.


    Comment by Bill Bruni — October 19, 2009 @ 8:14 am | Reply

  3. You don’t know how to argue very well, Ron, when you lash out at people of a conservative persuasion, calling us ‘ignorant.’

    I am quite aware that Nazis were different from Communists: the latter split the world along economic lines; the former, along racial lines. However, BOTH saw the “government” as a necessary leader for ‘the people’: without that strong leadership, “the people” would be aimless and feckless. Their impulse was the heresy of millenarianism, ie, that it is possible to make a Heaven/End Time on this earth.

    In that sense, both ‘movements’ were socialist, because both thought of humans not as individuals, but as masses. And both killed populations (not individuals) en masse.

    Comment by heathermc — October 19, 2009 @ 10:39 am | Reply

  4. I do not consider the wackos who put a Hitler mustache on Obama to be anything other than extreme radicals with little if any intelligence. I ignore them and wish the Right was not associated with them. I was at the September 12th march and saw very few of anything with Obama = Hitler. However it is such an eye catcher that the media is drawn to it.
    I would like to see Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, etc (O’Reilly already has called it nonsense) speak out against the signs. I fear it won’t happen. Just because Olberman or Maher would never say anything against BushHitler support does not mean that conservative leaders in the media could take the high road.

    Comment by bryan — October 19, 2009 @ 11:04 am | Reply

  5. And (before I go off and do other things necessary to my life): both National Socialism and Communism desired an end to ‘Evil’ in this world. The Communists saw “The Rich” as making this world evil, and the Poor as the necessary “Leaders of the Revolution” to cause world history to culminate in the final serenity of perfection, where envy and greed would no longer exist, no one would be poor, no one would be rich, everyone would be ‘equal’ to everyone else.

    The National Socialists believed that the ideal world was one in which Aryan peoples rule over the rest of the people. Some of those ‘racial groups’ like the Slavs, could be allowed to live as useful slaves because that is what they were PHYSICALLY meant to be. Others, the ‘rootless’, the urbanized decadents, whose Blood slithered through otherwise healthy societies, must be obliterated, if the Aryans were to take their anointed place as Guardians and Leaders. Thus, the Jews (feared and loathed as hugely powerful and sneaky, a Race dedicated to destroying all others), and the other rootless ones, the Gypsies, must be murdered, destroyed, with chivalry, of course, but murdered nonetheless. Kind of like weeding the garden.

    One of the most ugly photos I have seen was of a bunch of babies, all in a pile, gathered by Himmler’s minion nurses, as vessels of Pure Blood, the special ones, the perfection Hitler was developing for his Aryan world. This is no different than the photos of the happy collective farmers, driving their tractors into joy and sunrise, having killed the counter revolutionaries down the road.

    You see, it all makes total sense, if you are Himmler or Hitler or Stalin, or any other of the great ‘thinkers’ of the 20th century.

    No, Obama is not Hitler. He is the President of the United States, which is a strong democracy. The measures he wants to take, however, are socialist measures, ones that are antithetical to the basic ideals of the American polity.

    Comment by heathermc — October 19, 2009 @ 11:13 am | Reply

  6. “(By the way, I’ll ask again: when are decent conservatives going to speak out against the Hitler mustache crew? Do you really want to let them to define conservatism? At this point your silence equals assent to dangerous idiocy.)”

    What’s your criteria for this? How many conservatives and in what positions in society or government?

    Again I cite the Bush-hitler meme. You have decried it, and rightly so. But it was quite popular on the left. Do we have to cite the mass amount of Bush-hitler signs in past protests?

    Do you feel that the Left spoke out against it sufficiently? Afterall, “do you really want to let them to define [liberalism]?”

    And if the various groups on the left managed to keep their Hitler-baiters from defining them, what/who was enough? Provide examples please.

    Because anonymous paranoid cowards saying that Obama’s not Hitler on a comment thread. is clearly not enough for you.

    Obama is not Hitler. And one is darkly amused by your use of fringe groups to built the “They ALL thing Obama’s Hitler” meme.

    As for the actual roots of Facism and how it applies to American politics I’d recommend:

    “Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning” by Jonah Goldberg

    Don’t let the cover or title scare you. It’s a useful book on describing what fascism actually is and the temptation and use of it in US politics, especially in America’s past.

    Also Mr. Rosenbaum… I’d be careful with your point of the Nazis fought socialists so they can’t be socialists.

    By that logic… Stalisnists aren’t communists because they fought Trotskists or vice versa.

    That’s a weak point. I’d more stress the economic differences between fascism and socialism.

    Comment by Jack — October 19, 2009 @ 2:34 pm | Reply

  7. Ahh my mistake. I see you’ve already given Goldberg a pan. Apologies for that recommendation.

    Well I’ll leave you to your screeching then.

    As for the other commentators I’ll stress Rule #3

    3. Disagree, but avoid ad hominem attacks.

    Remember, ad hominem attacks do nothing but make you look like a fool and ignorant.

    So if you can’t control yourself don’t post.

    Especially if you’re in an argument with someone else in a comment thread. It doesn’t matter if they started it.

    In fact, if the person you disagree with is the one making vast sweeping generalizations and ranting, then your calm simply makes them appear more unhinged.

    Comment by Jack — October 19, 2009 @ 2:42 pm | Reply

  8. Hitler WAS a socialist. He was certainly a collectivist. Obama is NOT Hitler. However Obama IS a socialist and a collectivist. And that is BAD. Are we in agreement?

    And yes, I lived in Germany. I speak German. I know the history. Mit der Tour kommst Du bei mir nicht weiter.

    Comment by El Gordo — October 20, 2009 @ 1:13 am | Reply

  9. As for the “Hitler Moustache Crew”, who are they, except lone figures on the fringes of a few protests and some blog comments?

    If you are going to tie conservatives to a few nutters on the fringe, I raise you a Congressman, Pete Stark (D):

    “Republicans sure don’t care about finding $200 billion to fight the illegal war in Iraq. Where are you going to get that money? Are you going to tell us lies like you’re telling us today? Is that how you’re going to fund the war? You don’t have money to fund the war or children. But you’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President’s amusement.”

    Just one example. I know you acknowledge that it happened, but did you let it define liberalism for you? The answer is of course no. But this isn´t the fringe. This is what prominent Democrats and liberal pundits do. Oh, and people who are put in positions of power by Obama, like Van Jones. Face it already.

    Comment by El Gordo — October 20, 2009 @ 1:43 am | Reply

  10. Actually Hitler was a Socialist, and all Socialism is Marxist, even if Hitler himself wasn’t an avowed Marxist-Leninist. It is true that reliance on political labels is precisely a trap when it comes to Socialists of any stripe – since Socialism is not about economics, it is about Class War and Vengeance – but if you doubt that the NSDAP was Socialist you have only to read Goebbels’ propaganda in any period and read interviews of factory owners, directors of conglomerates, and others about their dealings with the Nazi State.

    Really your argument is the historically illiterate one since it’s obvious by looking at any two even avowedly Marxist-Leninist countries that there’s no such thing as a doctrinally consistent and purely applicable Socialism or Communism. Instead there’re a bunch of assholes who know how to use the tool that Leninism is to take over and rape countries. By that score, Hitler fits the bill just fine. Really Rosenbaum you are a gulllible person. Have you even read Stalin’s The Foundations of Leninism or Lenin’s Left-Wing Communism an Infantile Disorder? Or something more oblique like Goebbels’ 1943 speech Do You Want Total War?

    Comment by dan — October 20, 2009 @ 5:58 am | Reply

  11. I have written that I agree with you in an earlier post. However I am curious to know whether you wrote a similar article on Slate anytime during the Bush years.

    Comment by bryan — October 20, 2009 @ 7:30 am | Reply

  12. This is a great post. I’d only change a few words–it’s more like being “hysterically ignorant” is driving many to “historical frenzies” at this point.

    Definitely a teaching moment on the real meaning of “Fascism.” Also a good time to remember American Socialists like Eugene Debs, A. Philip Randolph, and Helen Keller. They don’t fit the meme at all.

    Comment by Fred Mecklenburg — October 20, 2009 @ 9:24 am | Reply

  13. As Ron has so clearly and frequently written, there’s no one like Hitler and most of those who compare current figures to Hitler are uninformed and would be unable to support any such comparison. But, it is a means of avoiding the real conversation about the merits of policy and the value of experience and judgment.

    Calling someone Hitler has no real effect. Calling someone a racist, on the other hand, still gets attention and is believed by the devout. Again, it is not a rational discussion, it is a digression that is similar to the post here, asking random posters to do something meaningless.

    Obama is not Hitler. That does not aid our lonely quest to learn who he is or whether he has any policy that is not completely referable to the superannuation of his political party. No president should do that.

    Comment by MarkO — October 20, 2009 @ 10:44 am | Reply

  14. Those fools who seriously compare Obama to Hitler are unable to have a real conversation about policy and values. To say the least.

    But the same is true for those who are seizing on the excessive actions of a few isolated cases in order to smear all of their opponents as racists or nutjobs. That is also a way of avoiding debate and just as cheap.

    The salient fact is all of this is overlooked: Obama is President, the Democrats have overwhelming majorities and have as much power as you can have in a Republic. THEY are the issue. They want to “fundamentally change” our country. They are obviously not interested in jobs or growth. They are irresponsibly piling up mountains of debt. They are ramming through legislation with no transparency and no bipartisanship. They are appointing Maoists and 9/11 truthers to positions of power. They give YOUR money to ACORN, the unions and other groups who will finance their re-election. It´s bloody Tammany Hall out there. And they are selling out our foreign allies and kissing up to our sworn enemies. Not us. Not conservatives. We are not even in power.

    What Mr Rosenbaum is doing here is what liberals always do: he is switching the subject and talking about his perception of who we are.

    Comment by El Gordo — October 20, 2009 @ 1:24 pm | Reply

  15. I don’t recall many conservatives calling Obama Hitler. The Lyndon La Rouche people have been but they are Democrats. The left did that a lot to Bush. Anyway, Hitler was in the same league as Stalin and Mao, and with luck we may never see their like again. Obama is more Mussolini in his bluster and arrogance. And in his corporatism and totalitarian agenda. Of course he doesn’t aspire to empire and conquest, he’s more into destroying America, the eternal enemy of totalitarianism.

    Comment by Gary Ogletree — October 20, 2009 @ 4:04 pm | Reply

  16. Oh, yeah. Include me as someone who hates totalitarianism. I believe that’s a virtue.

    Comment by Gary Ogletree — October 20, 2009 @ 4:05 pm | Reply

  17. I used to make jokes about my ‘Nazi’ dentists because I had some really bad ones who gave me a lot of needless mercury fillings in my head and thus forth a lot of pain as an adult.

    I’ll refrain from that as a going joke but I think Seinfeld’s ‘Anti-Dentite’ was hilarious regarding dentists.

    Also, dentistry and some of it’s leaps and bounds [unfortunately] came from the Nazi scum.

    Comment by Delia — October 20, 2009 @ 6:38 pm | Reply

  18. Another week, another Rosenbaum straw man.

    Hitler was a fascist, Ron. The Nazi Party was fascist (national socialist). Yes, they struggled for power against the Social Democrats and communists (international socialists), just as Mussolini, once he had shifted from pure socialism to fascism, struggled against the commies. So what.

    Do try to get a grip and look at the facts.

    BHO’s seizure of control over the banking industry, automobile industry and (soon) health care and energy industries are all corporatist/fascist policies intent on corrupting and/or erasing the free market. These policies are indistinguishable from the totalitarian policies pursued by Hitler and Mussolini: everything inside the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State (especially Fox News).

    Hitler and the Nazis were mass murderers, yes. But they weren’t the only ones. So was Stalin. So was Che. So was Mao. So was Abimael Guzmán. So was Pol Pot. ALL of those were followers of Marx, just like your buddy Obama and, apparently, pretty much everyone he hangs with. Do YOU need to be reminded of this? If so, it’s an indictment of the educational system, thoroughly corrupted by socialism’s long march through American institutions long ago.

    Clearly there are vast differences between Hitler and Obama on the geopolitical level. Where Hitler was expansionist, Obama is a preening, narcissistic autocrat who wants to use his position to punish the U.S. and make America subservient to the UN, Russia and the dying EU(SSR). From a domestic standpoint, however, there is little substantive difference between Hitler and Obama. They both used lofty, empty, populist rhetoric to motivate the mob to elect them. They both support(ed) an all-powerful State. They both have sought the corruption of the free market in an effort to nationalize the entire economy.

    A far more interesting topic would be to learn whether or not there’s any substantive difference between 1930’s Germans and 21st Century Americans. How long will the latter sit by and idly watch the ongoing destruction of their Republic? We’ll see.

    Comment by goy — October 20, 2009 @ 8:55 pm | Reply

  19. El Gordo… brilliant post. wish Rosenbaum would debate yet he seems content in calling out the very few to switch the subject. well said.

    Comment by bryan — October 20, 2009 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  20. Being yourself and being your most raw, honest self is commendable.

    I share my heart and soul here on PJM often because I’m not afraid to be vulnerable and let people know the real me.

    Sometimes it is painful to let people realize your own internal turmoil but, it’s also very freeing.

    Keep freeing yourself, Ron and thank you for your interesting posts.


    Comment by Delia — October 20, 2009 @ 11:17 pm | Reply

  21. P.S.

    Try not to ‘internalize’ negativity.

    It’s such a cheesy thing to say but it’s so true when it comes to the effect on your body/mind… “THINK POSITIVE”!

    Comment by Delia — October 20, 2009 @ 11:23 pm | Reply

  22. By the way, it is true that the German Social Democrats opposed both nazis and communists. But German Social Democrats would not have behaved like the American Democrats do today. At least not until after the era of Helmut Schmidt, when they turned from the party of the little guy to the party of left-wing student radicals. Such behavior – like attacking a news organisation for doings its job – would have reminded them of the methods that were used against them. The Democrats were never persecuted.

    Comment by El Gordo — October 21, 2009 @ 1:47 am | Reply

  23. @19. bryan: – … he seems content in calling out the very few to switch the subject.

    This is not unlike trolls elsewhere on PJM who insist that conservatives are somehow either responsible for Rush Limbaugh’s ‘racist’ statements or that they’re responsible for denouncing those statements. Reminding these trolls that Rush is their boogeyman doesn’t seem to make a dent. Rosenbaum’s obsession with calling conservatives names – simply because they don’t meet his demands to ‘renounce’ things the left has been doing for almost a decade – is just as shrill and just as specious.

    All of this behavior is indicative of the left’s adolescent morality and its attendant collective, hive mindset where the individual doesn’t exist and all members of a collective are mutually responsible for the actions of every other member. This may be why it doesn’t seem to bother Ron that Obama and his collectivist coterie are nominally followers of Marx, despite the fact that Marx’ followers have caused far more pestilence, murder, cultural decline and social suicide in the 20th Century than Hitler could ever have hoped to manage.

    Comment by goy — October 21, 2009 @ 6:46 am | Reply

  24. I don’t even know where to start with this retarded rant so completely devoid of facts, logic and filled with hyperbole.

    I guess I may as well start at the top….

    “Somehow it’s become a meme among the historically ignorant on the right–who have totally driven themselves into hysterical frenzies of ignorant hatred for Obama”

    No one needs to drive themselves into a hysterical frenzy of ignorant hatred of obama since we now have the internet and most of the ppl in a hysterical frenzy are the most informed ppl when it comes to obama… which is why they’re in a hysterical frenzy… in fact those that are completely ignorant of both history and obama tend to be the most accepting of him.(funny how it was the same for hitler)

    “(Hitler was a socialist; Obama is a socialist therefore Obama equals Hitler).”

    Well you are correct in that obama is a socialist… you are also correct in that hitler was a socialist. Now you are of course wrong that obama could ever be hitler. Hitler was a combat soldier who was awarded medals for bravery and loved his country. On the other hand obama is a coward who hates his country…hitler was also white… obama is only 50% white and 45% arab. So its pretty clear that obama could never be hitler.(and those are just the most striking and superficial) The fact that you could even imply such as thing shows you really know nothing about history, obama or hitler.

    “The proof that Hitler was a socialist: his party was called “The National Socialist Democratic Workers Party”. Duh! By that logic you must believe that North Korea is a democracy because its official name is The Democratic Republic of North Korea.”

    The massive historical ignorance displayed in this post is well massive. If you bother to even read some basic history it very easy to tell hitler was a socialist. The only argument is was he a fascist or a communist. The simple fact is he started a classic socialist path. First as a fascist and as the economy fell apart under socialist pressure he steadily moved toward communism.(we will never know if he would have gone full commie or not but based on history its a good bet) This is of course basic sociology… A socialist state always moves further to the left to fix the problems with socialism… we’ve seen it in many many cases like hitler, stalin, mao and countless others. To say hitler wasn’t a socialist is to say stalin wasn’t a socialist.

    “Do you believe everything Hitler said about himself and the Nazi Party?”

    Clearly you seem to… you also seem to believe whatever rewrites of history that leave out the “hitler years” of everything 20 April 1889 – 20 April 1945 and believe hitler was 21 April 1945 was the way hitler was in 20 April 1889. I also find it funny how you say Nazi party at the end… since hitler NEVER called his own party the Nazi party(expect to decry its use)… because nazi was a slur term used against socialists.

    “The fact that someone has to point this out is an indication of how stunningly deranged and disproportionate the opposition to Obama has become.”

    I guess I don’t see your point… your impressively ignorant of hitler or socialism or history… your not the one to talk.

    “You disagree with him about health care? Fine. Many Americans agree, but respect intelligent criticism. You disagree with him about health care are and think he’s Hitler? You need professional help.”

    As I have pointed out in past threads to call a spade a spade, a nazi a nazi, a commie a commie is taboo in todays world no matter how true or false it is….it does seem that ppl have issues when intelligent criticism… such as calling a spade a spade…

    The question is “is obama care like hitler care?”. Now I’m not expert on hitler care since I don’t read german… and thus couldn’t even look it up. However from what I read and from hitler and obama both being socialists its a fair bet that have similar ideas. Now of course no one is going to really check to see how similar because we all know it would be similar enough to hit every rightwing blog and make glenn back… so their no chance in hell someone is going to research it. Of course ppl like you will still decry calling a spade a spade.

    “Are you aware of the nature of Hitler’s chief opposition, the German Social Democratic Party? Frankly I doubt it.”

    Are you aware of the nature of stalin chief opposition… the communist party? Like all dictators in all socialists/leftwing movements they’re are always countless others in the same group or similar ideologies that want to be top dog… and that also get purged by the top dog. Its a very weak slight of hand argument made by ppl who think others are so completely uneducated in the basics of how a power struggles ensues. I’m sure since you researched hitler so much you could tell us about all the jews that supported hitler throughout his raise to power even many that helped put other jews into death camps….are you going to argue that hitler was part of a jewish conspiracy to take over the world next… its about as logical as your “chief opposition” argument.

    “(yes, they were socialists! and pro-democracy!)”

    So was hitler… whats your point?

    “as someone who has spoken with aging German social democrats, whose fellow party members were murdered by Nazi thugs on the streets and in the concentration camps, I have to say to the Hitler mustache crew: Have you no shame, have you no decency? Have you no ability to read history?”

    I’m sorry but your joking right? Are you going to complain next about how the poor commies who if had gained power would have slaughter millions as well, how they had their members murdered by socialists and put in camps…

    “Are you not aware of how sickening your trivialization of Nazi evil is.”

    Are you not aware of how you trivialize socialist evil… because Nazi means socialist…. are you not aware the fact that ppl just like you were helping explain away hitlers election policies and past when he was running? Are you not aware of what happens when ever any form of socialism take hold of a country or a ppl? Are you not aware that ppl like you are paving the way for socialist dictators all across the world to come to power and be accepted as “good pro-democracy ppl”.

    “You are traducing the memory of some of the bravest defenders of democracy in Germany by mimicking the Nazis’ meretricious expropriation of the socialist name. Are you unable to distinguish between Nazi Germany and the democratic socialism of Sweden, say? Are you that detached from reality?”

    Are you aware that socialists have many names and they include but not limited the top 3 largest mass murders in history? Are you once again agreeing that Nazis are socialists?… just a slightly different kind of socialist from those in sweden… I’ll also point out that sweden didn’t fight germany and had open trade with them through much of the war… and many swedes agreed with hitlers goals…. but I’m sure you knew that but simply forgot to post such info….(just as the vast majority of all euros both peasant and elite also agreed with hitlers ideals but once again I’m sure you simply just forgot to mention that minor tidbit of info.)

    “The German Social Democratic party fought the Nazis in the streets, in the press (see my chapter on the socialist anti-Hitler newspaper, The Munich Post) whose reporters risked their lives to warn the world about the evil brewing in Germany. Evil fomented by Nazi lies and violence. The German Social Democratic Party was, by the way, hated not just by the Nazis but by the Communists as well.”

    All power hunger groups hate when another power hungry group gets in power… you don’t think true “believers” in communism didn’t do the same vs stalin.. they sure did. Its a very weak argument. All left wing groups have “true believers” in them in fact those tend to be the hitlers…. the difference being of course hitler made it to the top and had control to mess things up while other “true believers” died in the trenches.

    “Both totalitarian groups couldn’t abide a genuinely pro-democratic party. (Are you aware there’s a difference between democratic socialism and totalitarian communism?”

    I agree that democratic socialists are totalitarian at least in the sense that all socialism leads to totalitarian most of all when the “pleasure” cycle is broken and they go bankrupt. Sweden of course hasn’t hit that point unlike germany after WW1. Of course sweden will someday hit that point because it only stays afloat due to the massive mining and exporting it does… they will run out sometime soon and the classic socialist cycle will begin.

    “Hitler and his party were mass murdering racist, anti-semites”

    You could have just said socialists or Left wingers… it would have saved you some typing.

    “who wanted to wage wars of subjugation and campaigns of extermination and caused a war that killed 60 million all told. The fact that some people need to be reminded of this–and the differences between Hitler and Obama —

    Funny in his speeches at the Olympics hitler didn’t strike me as someone who wanted to “wage wars or mass extermination”… he speeches gave me a “hope and change” kind of feeling… o wait I forget you only know hitler 1945… yeah he was a bit of a downer dube… can’t argue with that. I find it funny how you also like to remind everyone of the differences… which is a pretty short list from what you’ve posted… how about talking about how they are similar… o wait that would take a long time and require alot of typing…

    “is an indictment of the sad failure of the American educational system and the sad takeover of conservatism by hate-filled lynch mob ignoramuses.”

    Yes such a huge hate filled lynch mob… all armed but yet somehow obama is alive and well… you’d think with a massive hate filled lynch mob armed to the teeth made up of US army soldiers and other combat soldiers from other branches that they would simply get they’re lynch on… and yet obama is alive… and the guy is clearly INSANE… he goes out in PUBLIC with this crazed well armed lynch mob following him around EVERYWHERE. I mean lift up a rock find a hate filled lynch mob… check behind a tree… hate filled lynch mob… look in the sky… not a bird… not a plane… its a hate filled lynch mob. You really need to remember to take your meds your paranoid schizophrenic delusions are just running wild lately.

    Comment by robotech master — October 21, 2009 @ 10:36 am | Reply

  25. And I thought ‘my’ emotions run the gamut.


    Comment by Delia — October 21, 2009 @ 10:41 am | Reply

  26. while technically Hitler was a fascist, with behind-scenes power over most large businesses and hands-on power over organs of government and public communications, his party was called the National Socialist party, and Hitler did play class against class and collect all real power to government.

    the “not a socialist” argument is a distinction without a difference.

    Not to mention some sort of inoculation by the left against its own side being called Nazis, after all the years they’ve been calling the RIGHT nazis. Now that someone examines Hitler and discovers he is much more a creature of the left than the right, along come lefties like you to ‘explain’ to us why Hitler actually was US and not YOU.

    I’m tired of Hitler. Let’s get going on Chairman Mao, now that he’s the new flavor on capitol hill and in the white house.

    Any arguments that Mao was somehow secretly a right winger?

    didn’t think so.

    Comment by Dave — October 21, 2009 @ 4:32 pm | Reply

  27. p.s. the “hitler mustache’ signs are prints, professional prints, of a graphic made for Lyndon LaRouche lefties… many of them have been seen in hallways where SEIU thugs are preparing to launch on the tea party crowd.. they are not only very FEW tea party signs, they are NO tea party signs, as I consider LaRouchians as interlopers who share none of my values and concerns and I KNOW the hitler signs are often carried by SEIU plants trying to make us look bad.

    Now, the swastikas I’m not so sure about. I did see one in DC (ONE!!!) that was hand made and not printed. But the hitler mustache signs are entirely NOT right wing rage. They are printed and distributed, and often carried by SEIU plants.

    Comment by Dave — October 21, 2009 @ 4:38 pm | Reply

  28. To 28. Dave

    Facts are not welcome here… plus old Ron knows all about SEIU and LaRouche he just doesn’t care. It doesn’t fit his fantasy so its merely blocked out.

    Comment by robotech master — October 21, 2009 @ 5:24 pm | Reply

  29. Wow! I think some of you are missing the big picture.

    Ron rants here from his heart and soul and most of his ‘shtick’ is purely based on ’emotion’.


    Let a guy have a mid-life crisis for goodness sake!

    Comment by Delia — October 22, 2009 @ 12:15 am | Reply

  30. I have yet to be able to attend a Tea Party as I have been out of the country for the last 11 months. I have looked at many of the photos of these events though. No just the ones in the MSM, but personal online albums as well. I have yet to see one of these Hitler signs you refer to. From other comments I gather that they exist though. Were they home made or printed? Most of the pics of signs carried by the protestors seemed to be hand made. Can someone please direct me to a picture of one of these Obama/Hitler signs? They must be pretty rare. BTW, Mr. Rosenbaum, how strenuously did you and your colleagues on the left object to similar depictions of Pres. George W. Bush? If you didn’t bother to control your moonbats for the last 8 years it seems rather hypocritical of you to ask us to restrain our wingnuts.

    Comment by James S. — October 22, 2009 @ 3:18 am | Reply

  31. To 30. Delia

    I think most ppl understand that old Ron doesn’t base his views on facts, history, logic or even many times reality. Most ppl comment here only to correct the blatant errors that he makes so as ppl who may stop by who don’t know him have something rational to read.

    Facts like,

    Big/Central/Authoritarian Government are Leftwing

    Racism is a form of Collectivism… all racists believe in collectivism and all collectivists are racist or prejudice. Collectivism is also Leftwing.

    Socialism as an economic form have the government take over more and more of the economy. Socialism is of course Leftwing.

    So lets go down the list.

    Did hitler believe in Big/Central/Authoritarian Government…? Now keep in mind I’m not history expert but I’m going to go with Yes.

    Was hitler racist and prejudice and believed in collectivism…? Once again not a history expert but going with Yes again.

    Did hitler take over large sections of the economy and place them under government control…? Once again Yes.

    Lets review the score card.
    3 Yeses 0 Nos

    Hitler is clearly and undoubtedly Leftwing.

    Comment by robotech master — October 22, 2009 @ 8:19 am | Reply

  32. Dear Ron,

    The internet sucks. If you keep writing (intelligent) posts directed at humiliating moronic commentors, you will only attract more moronic comments. Since I don’t believe you actually gain any satisfaction by trudging through this slop, I beg you to stop taunting these schmucks and get back to writing about something else.

    On the other hand, maybe these idiots do in some way represent the zeitgeist, and exposing the current, top-selling brand of Stupid to your characteristic obsessive level of scrutiny is important. That’s even more sad, isn’t it though? Maybe not. Anyway these freaks just strike me as very dull. What else do we need to know about them? What do you think you could possibly teach them?


    A longtime fan.

    Comment by Shmuel — October 23, 2009 @ 6:27 pm | Reply

  33. 31. robotech master,

    But, Ron is a hunkalicious emotional man. Who cares about facts when emotions are running through your noggin’?

    Ron is beautiful. Ron is Great. Ron is way better than Cheeze Whiz.

    Ron is a lover, not a fighter.


    Comment by Delia — October 23, 2009 @ 10:45 pm | Reply

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